Do you know yourself? 5+1 Questions to find out!

You want to be successful and happy? Is it that what you really want?! Everything’s okay with these kinds of plans. But I have another question to ask you: Do YOU know yourself? The reason I’m asking this is because I see a lot of people everyday who are miserable, grumpy, sad, bored or angry about life. Then I’m asking myself: Do they know for themselves who they really are? If you think about it for a moment, knowing oneself means a lot. It means knowing your abilities, your strengths AND weaknesses, your fears and doubts, what you like and what you don’t like and why. This is the starting point to begin your inner journey towards growth.

To summarize, I want to give you 5+1 questions, you can use in your daily life to get to know yourself better:

1) What do I feel, I want to do with my life but I didn’t try yet?

2) What are the things I am truly afraid of?

(like: being laughed at, public speaking, not being loved, failing in life, … etc)

3) Do I like certain things because everybody likes them?

5) Is there a skill or a set of skills I am already pretty good at?

5+1) In which situations do I feel the best?


Have fun and ask yourself one of these questions from time to time!

Sincerely Yours, Lobi


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